Stop Making School Lunches!

Do you remember the Staples commercial? The one where the father skips through Staples singing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” grabbing school supplies, while his kids pout. I am that dad.
Yes, I love my kids. Yes, I am happy they had a bunch of unstructured time this summer. And YES, it’s time to pass the baton back to their teachers and get my kids back to making their own lunches.
5 Kid-Friendly Lunches They Can Make Themselves

The key to making this successful is ensuring your kids know exactly what you expect — how much protein, carb, fruit and veg they need. They also need to be clear on what’s not allowed.
- Sushi rolls or sushi sandwiches. All you need is sushi rice, a carrot, a cucumber, avocado and some seaweed paper. Get a little fancy with crab. Make it into a roll or make it into a sandwich.
- Fresh Spring rolls. No cooking required! You just need warm tap water to soften the rice noodles and rice paper. Easily made the night before, and a great alternative to sandwiches while the weather is still warm(ish).
- Energy Bites. They don’t have to turn on the oven! These are easy, healthy snacks that have endless combinations. Low in sugar and a good source of protein.
- Appetizers. Kids can cut cucumbers and top with cream cheese and raspberries. Make cute little sandwiches with a cookie cutter, fill celery with their favourite dips or create a little cheese plate. If they want to spend 30 minutes cutting and prepping their lunch, let them!
- Get them a good thermos that doesn’t leak and can keep food both warm and cold. Smoothies are great for lunch. They can also pack leftover soups and stews or baked beans. A leak-proof ice pack is great while the whether is still warm too.
Hope your summer was great and your transition into fall is seamless!